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The situation concerning the global COVID-19 pandemic is continuously changing and future developments in this context are unclear. As study and traineeship exchanges abroad and to Ireland currently pose a health risk for both our incoming and outgoing students, MTU has decided to postpone all incoming and outgoing Erasmus mobility visits from September 2020 to January 2021.

All Erasmus student and staff exchange activities at MTU will be cancelled for the autumn semester 2020. The decision applies to both incoming and outgoing exchanges.

This difficult decision was taken with great consideration for the safety and wellbeing of our students and staff members. Our main goal now is to ensure that Erasmus student and staff exchanges will resume as usual in the 2nd semester starting from January 2021. 

Incoming students: MTU has sent an email to all incoming students about the cancellation. Students who have been nominated to MTU for the autumn semester or for the whole academic year have the option to postpone their exchange period until spring semester 2021 or cancel it completely. They should inform us of their decision by 30th September 2020. If students decide to postpone their exchanges, there is no need to re-send the nomination details.

Outgoing students: Those MTU students who were accepted to study abroad during the autumn semester are now offered the possibility to postpone their exchange to spring semester 2021. We request host organisations to please let us know if you are unable to host them during the spring semester starting in January 2021. 

Thank you for your ongoing cooperation and understanding.




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